Portion Control – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Nutrition & Supplements Glossary

I. What is Portion Control? Portion control is the practice of managing the amount of food you eat in order to maintain a healthy diet and weight. It involves being mindful of the serving sizes of different foods and drinks, and making conscious decisions about how much to consume at each meal or snack. Portion … Read more

Protein Bars – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Nutrition & Supplements Glossary

I. What are Protein Bars? Protein bars are convenient and portable snacks that are packed with protein, making them an ideal choice for individuals looking to increase their protein intake. These bars typically contain a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, along with various vitamins and minerals. They come in a variety of flavors and … Read more

Lactate Threshold – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Fitness Assessments Glossary

I. What is Lactate Threshold? Lactate threshold is a term used in sports science and exercise physiology to describe the intensity at which the body produces and clears lactate, a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism. During intense exercise, the body relies on anaerobic metabolism to produce energy when oxygen supply is limited. This process generates lactate, … Read more

Augmented Reality Workouts – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Group Fitness Classes Glossary

I. What is Augmented Reality Workouts? Augmented Reality (AR) workouts are a new and innovative way to exercise that combines virtual reality technology with real-world environments. With AR workouts, users can experience interactive and immersive fitness routines that blend the physical benefits of traditional workouts with the engaging elements of video games. By using a … Read more

Body Part Split – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Strength Training Equipment Glossary

What is Body Part Split in Strength Training? Body Part Split is a popular training method used in strength training that involves dividing your workout routine into different days dedicated to specific muscle groups or body parts. This allows you to focus on targeting and isolating specific muscles during each workout session. For example, you … Read more

Nordic Walking – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Group Fitness Classes Glossary

What is Nordic Walking? Nordic Walking is a form of physical activity that originated in Finland in the 1930s. It involves walking with the use of specially designed poles that resemble ski poles. The activity gained popularity in Europe in the 1990s and has since spread to other parts of the world. Nordic Walking is … Read more

Insoluble Fiber – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Nutrition & Supplements Glossary

I. What is Insoluble Fiber? Insoluble fiber is a type of dietary fiber that does not dissolve in water. It passes through the digestive system relatively intact, adding bulk to the stool and helping to promote regular bowel movements. Insoluble fiber is found in the cell walls of plants and is not broken down by … Read more

Muscular Power – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Functional Training Glossary

I. What is Muscular Power? Muscular power is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert force quickly. It is a combination of strength and speed, allowing for explosive movements such as jumping, sprinting, and throwing. Muscular power is essential for activities that require quick bursts of energy, such as sports like … Read more

Range of Motion – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Strength Training Equipment Glossary

What is Range of Motion? Range of motion (ROM) refers to the extent to which a joint can move in various directions. It is an important aspect of physical fitness and is crucial for performing daily activities and exercises effectively. ROM is typically measured in degrees and can vary depending on the individual and the … Read more

Load – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Strength Training Equipment Glossary

What is Load in Strength Training? Load in strength training refers to the amount of weight or resistance that is lifted or moved during an exercise. It is a crucial component of any strength training program as it is what stimulates the muscles to adapt and grow stronger. Without an appropriate load, the muscles will … Read more